Hello World Master

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Create PHP site in A2 hosting

First we want to go to our c-panel interface

Next we want to click on File Manager and we should be sent to our file manager below

Next we want to add a new folder called that I’m going to call HelloPHP (you can name your folder whatever you like)

Next we want to go into our HelloPHP folder and create a new file named index.php

Now lets go edit our index.php file by right clicking it and selecting edit

Now lets type the following code inside the editor

    echo("Hello world");

Next click the save changes button and return to c-panel

Copy and paste your primary domain and paste it into the browser url, then add the path /HelloPHP/index.php at the end of the url.

For example: The url I would go on would https://victoryflame.a2hosted.com/HelloPHP/index.php

When you get there, you should see the following