There are many ways to set up a PHP environment. You could use WAMP/MAMP, but there are other ways to set up a PHP environment.
To run our hello world in PHP, we’ll need to set up an index.html file. We could always run PHP through the command line, but having the results of our PHP code through the browser better demonstrates its capabilities as a server side programming language used in Web development.
<!-- index.html -->
We’ll need to change the extension of our index file to .php. This will allow whichever server we’re on to recognize the PHP inside our PHP and render it on its server before its served to us.
PHP is a tempting language, which means you can use it to print out information in your markup. Lets add a PHP tag inside our body tag
<!-- index.html -->
Now we can write PHP code inside our PHP tag.
Now that we’ve set our PHP tag, we can print out text using the echo
echo "Hello world";
lets add this into the PHP tag inside our index.php file
<!-- index.html -->
echo "Hello world";
Now you should see hello world print on the screen!
But what if we want to put our hello world text inside of an html tag like h1? We would just need to add h1 tags before and after “Hello world”
echo "<h1>Hello world</h1";